
Grow in your Bariatric Living decisions based on your core values

Take Control Of Hunger & Mood Swings

Have Sustained Levels Of Energy

Enjoy Yourself, Your Family, Your Life

Are You Struggling With Bariatric Life?

  • Are you hiding or ashamed about having had the Bariatric surgery?
  • Are you disappointed with your weight goals?
  • Do you find that it’s very hard to resist temptations and impulses (food, shopping, or others)?
  • Do you feel constantly exhausted, with low energy?
  • Do you feel misunderstood by your family and society as a Bariatric person?
  • Are you still unsatisfied with the person whom you see in the mirror?

When You Know Better You

Improve the relationships with yourself and others
Are comfortable navigating the world, making future plans, and feeling empowered
Phrase English

Amanda Mônaco Dário Reyna

How It Works


Schedule now your 30 Minutes ‘One-to-One’ Online Bariatric Coaching session with Amanda (Bariatric Coach)


During your Baritric Coaching sessions, you’ll be guided to acquire easy, practical and powerful knowledge that will set you up for becoming a healthier, more confident you


Once you’ve understood the know-how, you enjoy your Bariatric Journey!

You’ll ❤️ it!

Schedule your ’One-to-One’ 30 Minutes Online Bariatric Coaching session with Amanda (Bariatric Coach). Explore Bari Better’s offerings in the session, discuss your Bariatric challenges, doubts and goals, as well as pricing. Our mission is to help you. You’ll come out of the session with guidance and very useful knowledge on how to manage yourself, set goals and take them into actions for you sucessfull Bariatric Journey!