My Bariatric Coaching plan is formulated based on the individual’s Bariatric current process, specific goals, breaking through harmful habits. Plans are individual based.
Topics which we can cover during coaching sessions:
- Family
- Willpower
- Self esteem & self love
- Communicating and teaching others in order to change habits
- Lifestyle while traveling
- How to eat lead a social life without worry
- How to get out of your bed and not hide/how not to hide food
- How to be ok of sharing your surgery with others
- How to be comfortable sharing your story if that is
- Hunger management
- Thirst management
- Dumping syndrome
- Hair loss
- Mood swings management
- Mindset changes
- Loose skin and plastic surgery after Bariatric surgery
- Energy levels /pre and post surgery
- Depression
- Self rewarding
- Dysmorphia vs accurate body representation
- How to look at the mirror again
- Sense of self after surgery
- Addiction transfer (example: excessive shopping, alcoholism, exercising)
- Personality changes
- Divorce
- How and when to say no
- How to say yes to you
- How to put yourself first without being selfish (for the first time in your
- life)
- Fashion tips for your new body and how to wear to kill
- Understand your Bariatric anatomy
- Best tech app to support you
- Holiday management
- How to re accept yourself
- How to not care what other people think or say about you
- How to talk to servers and order what you really want -kids menu and
- small plates
- How to adequately lose weight
- When to weigh yourself and ways to measure yourself
- Taste buds changes
- Eating despair
Yes, I have coached clients from different countries, especially the United States, Mexico and Brazil in English, Spanish and Portuguese
If so can that person give a reference? Yes, sure.
I do not use the word superior, competition is not part of my mission. I am a patient and have gone through a lot of different menus that many dietitians/nutritionists do not understand and don’t have for a Bariatric patient specifically, most of their advice is protein intake, however, there is much more than that.
I am not a Nutritionist and I won’t give you Medical advice, everybody has a different plan, you have to consult with your Medical team
I won’t talk to your Nutritionist nor with your Medical team
I can provide examples/tips as to how I eat
I cannot give you a through meal plan (that is not my intention at all), but I will provide many tips that have allowed me and my clients to be healthier
I recommend you talk to a Nutritionist who can follow up with your process
I can share with you the professional team that I use and its under your discretion if you want to connect with them further.
Through my studies, reading, researches, conferences attendances and knowledge of others in the field, I learn and live with the foods that are right for me. No plan fits all, and specially in the Bariatric life, people need to understand that every body is different, every metabolism is different and people should not compare themselves to others, neither follow other’s food plan, because everyone responds differently. It is 100% up to me. I do follow a diet given by a Bariatric Nutritionist and I follow up with a Bariatric surgeon. My success is inevitable if I take care and speak up for myself, nobody is going to knock on my door to help me. My coaching session is not Medical advice and it is not intended to replace support from any health care professional. I always tell clients to consult with their doctor and with their health care professional team with their Medical questions. I am not a Nutritionist, nor a Dietitian, so I do not provide diet recommendations. I share with my clients what I eat and we learn different recipes with each other, which is actually fun.
We both went to school and studied a lot. A Psychologist focus on emotional resolutions to issues that happened in the past or are happening currently in the individual’s life to assist them in moving forward in their process, which can be a variety of different topics. Coach pursues to support, inspire, assist the client to see the best of themselves, be self confident, provides motivation, works on a plan to get the best results for the client.
Again, I don’t like using the word superior. No one is better then other, we are different life experiences and knowledge. In this specific coaching, as a Bariatric Coach, and as a Bariatric patient myself, the exchange and Coaching relationship is much richer than any other Coaching session as my Bariatric life experience speaks for itself. A Psychologist or any other individuals (whether or not they are healthcare professionals) who don’t have the Bariatric experience as patients themselves, will not be able to provide you with real life experiences, do’s and don’ts of a Bariatric life as a patient.
It is not only me saying that obesity is considered a disease. According to The American Medical Association (AMA), obesity has been officially acknowledged as a chronic disease, an existent health risk, which can lead to other health issues like diabetes and cardiovascular disease, to name a few.
Studies have shown that there is little evidence to classify obesity as a mental disorder (Marcus & Wildes, 2009). An appointment with a Psychiatrist or Psychologist was a requirement from my health insurance before my surgery was approved and scheduled. I personally think that everyone should seek for help when they need. Everyone provides different assistance and I encourage my clients to reach out to a health care professional when they feel necessary.
This is such a great question! One of the many studies I read, done by The Lean Body Institute, it arose that genetics do, actually, have a notable influence on our body’s capacity to manage its fat content. I came from an obese family and both my mom and brother also had the Bariatric surgery done.
The body mass index (BMI) is one method used to find out if you obese, overweight, or that you are at a your goal weight,. To calculate your BMI, simply multiply your weight in pounds by 705, consequently, divide the n umber you obtained by your height in inches, and finally divide again by your height. In general, overweight is due to presence of extra body fat and it can also be related to body water, extra muscle, or bone. Obese individuals mainly have excessive body fat. Another great analysis is to do a Bioimpedance. I had the Bioimpedance in the Bariatric clinic before and after my surgery. It is a great resource to have and it definitely helps me to move forward in keep reaching my goals.
Through my life experiences with obesity, I have learned that a well healthy balance diet in combination with an exercise plan that fits my lifestyle is a healthy and best sustainable way to treat my weight issues.
In my case, Bariatric surgery was a way to treat obesity and it worked for me. I always tell the truth and stick with reality. I say that obesity does not stop after surgery, surgery is not a miracle, we must stay healthy and collaborate and keep our body healthy forever after the surgery, by nourishing it with healthy foods and moving it with the right exercises. The surgery helped me in loving my body now and treating it with respect. I follow up with my Nutritionist and my Personal Trainer constantly.
Bariatric surgery is also helpful to prevent further diseases. A lot of people do the surgery for metabolic reasons. They might not be severely obese, however, they are already pre diabetic, have sleep apnea, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, high triglycerides, have pre disposed diseases that in a lot of cases are completely cured after the Bariatric surgery. It helps your energy level, you are able to do more, you see how exercise is essential, you have a better understanding of the foods you eat, when and how much you ingest, and enjoy a healthier life. Many obese people try to do diets and exercise and they don’t succeed, Bariatric surgery is an alternative for many, perhaps most obese people because it helps us stay focus on what to eat, how much to eat, when to eat, and you learn more about your own body than ever before.
The Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) is a study of the frame of a personalized experience. The NLP I studied, taught me psychological outlook which includes exploring methods and techniques (such as Dissociation, Content Reframing, Anchoring) used by victorious human beings and utilizing such in order to achieve personal and client’s goals.
By practicing NLP, I have learned that food is here to nourish my body and that I do not need it in excess, I learned how to talk to myself in a different way, exploring my subconscious in order to deeply understand my own actions. I changed my eating habits and food choices. You can do that as well and find out more about how NLP can help you achieve your dreams and desires through my Bariatric Coaching sessions.
A Caritas Coach is a certified scholarly, expert, thoughtful health care professional, who is prepared and committed to personally and professionally practice and model intelligent with heart-centered approaches to health care by translating and sustaining the ethic, philosophy, theory and practice of the Loving Caring Science (Watson Caring Science Institute, n.d.). I implement Loving Caring Science through my Coaching and in my daily life with friends and families.
Sure, I came from an obese family and both my mom and my brother also had the Bariatric surgery done before me and were great supporters! We give support to each other. My mission is not to convince anyone. I am here to share my Bariatric experiences and can be a positive assurance to your family members that having the surgery was the best decision that I made. I often meet family members, friends of my clients and coach them as well.
Let me give you some examples:
You might have someone in your family or very close to you who gives all the support you think you need, however, they might not have the Bariatric knowledge that you need. It might be the other way around too. Maybe they do not agree with you having the surgery and will not support you at all. Whatever it is, I can help you.
If they do not support you, they will eat the foods that you are not suppose to have, making it harder for you to follow your plan by yourself. They might tell you that what you are doing is too much and that you should try other diets and not have the surgery.
When you have the surgery and change your eating habits at home, it is amazing the domino effect you will see in your family and those who live with you. They unconsciously start to mirror you and see your success journey. You will teach them with your positive actions unconsciously as well. Your positive attitudes will reflect on how they react back to you and they release weight and become healthier as well.
Again, I don’t convince nor change anyone. Part of my coaching is based on post operative tips to clients who ask for my help and when they want me to talk to their family members, friends, we schedule such sessions as well. Support is key and a lot of time, people need to hear from others how they can help their loved ones. If they want to part of it, and ultimately I do suggest it, I could involve them in a family session
My Bariatric Coaching plan is formulated based on the individual’s Bariatric current process, specific goals, breaking through harmful habits. Plans are individual based.
o Topics covered
Several topics are covered in a session based on the individual’s needs, every plan is different. Some of the topics include:
- Healthy food choices
- Weight regain
- Food/exercise habits
- Eating Disorders
- Emotional eating
- Exercise
- Food Police
- Food log
- Weighting frequency
- Family
- Willpower
- Self esteem & Self love
- Harmful addiction transfer (for example: excessive shopping, excessive exercising, working too much, increase or decrease desire for sex, too much gambling, navigating on the internet for extra period of time, excessive alcohol intake, drug use, smoking, overdose on prescription narcotics, extreme risk taking).
- Communicating and teaching others in order to change habits
- Lifestyle while traveling
- How to eat and lead a social life without worry
- How to get out of your bed and not hide
- How to be OK of sharing your surgery with others
- How to be comfortable sharing your present issue, if that is:
- Hunger management
- Thirst management
- Dumping syndrome
- Hair loss
- Mood swings management
- Mindset changes
- Loose skin and plastic surgery after Bariatric surgery
- Energy levels (pre and post surgery)
- Depression
- Self rewarding
- Dysmorphia vs accurate body representation
- How to look at the mirror again
- Sense of self after the surgery
- Addiction transfer (some examples: excessive shopping, alcoholism, excessive exercising)
- Personality changes
- Divorce
- How and when to say no
- How to say yes to you
- How to put yourself first without being selfish (for the first time of your life)
- Fashion tips for your new body and how to wear to kill
- Understanding your Bariatric anatomy
- Best tech app to support you
- Holiday management
- How to re accept yourself
- How to not care what other people think or say about you
- How to talk to servers and order what you really want -kids menu and small plates
- How to adequately lose weight
- When to weigh yourself and ways to measure yourself
- Taste buds changes
- Eating despair
Mostly, patients who had the gastric bypass Bariatric surgery, have dumping syndrome. A person experiences it when food, predominantly sugar advance from your stomach into your small bowel too quickly. The signs and symptoms that occur are nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, lightheadedness, bloating or sensing fullness after eating, flushing, dizziness, heart palpitations (fast heart beat) abdominal cramps couple minutes after ingestion. In some cases, hours after eating, people can develop other signs and symptoms such as tiredness, weakness, sweating, heart palpitations, dizziness.
That is not the way my Bariatric Coaching works. It works in an individual based approach, the number of sessions needed can vary depending on the client. Minimum 12 sessions *once a week for three months
My Bariatric Coaching sessions are not based on steps, every individual has specific, different needs. It is recommended a minimum of 3 months worth of sessions on a weekly basis in order to achieve better results. My coaching is focused on improving your well being and happiness I will start by making an initial assessment, setting goals, and then measure your progress toward your well being. In the end it’s about releasing weight, or fixing just habit, it’s about forging keystone habits that allow you attain and maintain well being in your Bariatric life.
45 minutes. It can be done online using Zoom platform, Skype, FaceTime, WhatsApp and preferable with camera or a call.
There are three main ways to release weight. One is having a caloric deficit, exercise more so that you spend more calories than you intake, and finally having Bariatric surgery. Exercise can play a role in weight release, but it is not indispensable. It is a health choice that is generally recommended, but this is a question to ask your doctor and your team of health care providers.
I see a lot of stories like that! You are not alone, I am here for you! Support is extremely important in your Bariatric journey and even if your spouse decides not to have the surgery done, it does not mean they don’t support you. They can be very helpful and learn from your daily routine that you will implement with my assistance like I did mine. Unfortunately, your spouse and others around you can be harmful to your progress without noticing or intending it! You just never know. That’s why having an external consultant as myself evaluating your habits and those of people around you can have a significant impact accelerating your journey. Your habits will influence your spouse’s and vice versa. If you ever find necessary, we can schedule a Bariatric coach session with your spouse alone, with you and your spouse as well.
- Ideal food choices
- Emotional support (self control, mindfulness, self love)
- Hydration awareness
- Warnings of what to expect after the surgery that are not often discussed by most people in the Bariatric area. I have seen providers and patients who had the Bariatric surgery not sharing nor making others aware of what will really happen after the surgery is done.
No. I am not your doctor, neither no one from your professional medical team. I am your Bariatric Coach. You have the responsibilities like everyone else to call your doctor and your health care professional team when needed. I will share with you know when I felt it was necessary for me to call my doctor and my health care professional team based on my needs.
Ideally, at least 6 months before the client has the surgery so we can go over the process together is a timely manner. However, if a client just found out about my Coaching services now and they are already scheduled for a surgery, it is never too late to start the Bariatric Coaching process.
Again, I am not your doctor, neither no one from your professional medical team, they are in charge of all medical aspect/interpreting your lab results and other factors to qualify your for the surgery. I am your Coach outside of your medical team.
Every client will bring up a different issue they are facing through their Bariatric journey and we will focus on such. And yes, topics such as their relationship/feelings to food and to people around them do come up during the sessions.
We kept eating our emotions throughout our lives and many of us have other people to talk to, but they don’t understand what we are going through, I do. We have issues with the food and need to admit that to move on. We need to let our feelings and emotions go and clients feel so confident with me that they often cry and let their emotions and fear go. I provide you with this safe environment where our sessions our completely confidential and you will feel relieved. So many people around us do try to help us, but often don’t know how, when and do not have the Bariatric background that I do.
My recommendation is to start coaching before the surgery, so I can follow up with your throughout your entire journey. If it is not possible, no worries. As soon as you know the date your surgery is scheduled, reach out to me and we will schedule a session. If your surgery has already happened, please reach out to me as soon as possible. Don’t let time go by and procrastinated. Having a Bariatric Coach is key to your success and I can assist you right the way with your concerns, fears and also cheer your success with you along the way.
Everyone goes through a different process and physical recovery. It all depends on what type of Bariatric surgery you had, how physically activity you were before the surgery, if you have other comorbidities or diseases. Your doctor and health care professional team should go over your post surgery expectations and physical recovery.
A lot of changes happen to us in so many aspects. We become more self assertive, we change our perception to food, need to adapt to a life change that will be present forever, change our eating habits, we are more aware of our relationships to people and food, to name a few.
I am a Bariatric Coach. I will focus on the Bariatric aspect and issue. Some topics that came up related to kids are the kids’ behavior towards food, how parents tell the kids that they will have the surgery and challenges that the entire family faces with one member or more of the family having surgery. What is most rewarding is to hear that the kids also release weight and adapted very well to the new food habits implemented in the house, so they don’t have to go through the pain of living their lives with obesity like their parents had.
You will find out some foods that you will perhaps not do well with post operatively and understand that it is all good. You will learn when to stop eating and pay attention when your are already satisfied.
You will have way more energy than before and will accept and love your body and yourself just the way you are.
At least a 3 months with weekly Coaching sessions relationship should be established in order to be more successful at healthy eating, relationships, and emotional well-being. Remember, Bariatric surgery is not a quick fix and there is way more involved in this journey that you can possibly imagine! Come along this journey with me, it is the best decision you can make for yourself!